
Indian flattened rice with potatoes & peas

serves 2 to 3 / time 20 min

recipe from The Lotus and the Artichoke – WORLD 2.0
(Rezept auf Deutsch unten)

  • 1 1/2 cups (110 g) poha (flattened rice flakes)
  • 1 1/2 cups (350 ml) water
  • 3 medium (250 g) potatoes peeled, chopped
  • 2 small (100 g) tomatoes chopped
  • 1/2 cup (50 g) peas (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 small (70 g) onion chopped
  • 1/2 in (1 cm) fresh ginger finely chopped
  • 1 green chili seeded, sliced optional
  • 3 Tbs peanuts or cashews lightly roasted
  • handful fresh coriander chopped, for garnish
  • 2–3 lime slices
  • 2 Tbs vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp black mustard seeds
  • 6–8 curry leaves optional
  • 1 tsp cumin ground
  • 3/4 tsp turmeric ground
  • 1 Tbs lime juice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3/4 tsp sea salt
  1. Cover poha rice flakes with water in a bowl. Soak 2 min and drain excess water. Set aside for now.
  2. Heat oil in a large frying pan or wok on medium high heat. Add mustard seeds. After they start to pop (20–30 sec), add chopped onion, ginger, green chili, and curry leaves (if using), and ground cumin. Fry, stirring often, until richly aromatic and onions are browned, about 2–3 min.
  3. Add chopped potatoes. Continue to cook, stirring often, until potatoes begin to soften, 5–7 min.
  4. Stir in peanuts (or cashews). Continue to cook on medium heat until potatoes are soft, another 3–5 min.
  5. Add soaked poha, peas, and chopped tomatoes, followed by ground turmeric, lime juice, sugar, and salt. Mix well, but gently so rice flakes don’t get mushy. Cook 2–3 min, stirring regularly. If needed, add 2–3 Tbs water and cover briefly to steam. Remove from heat. Cover and let sit 5 minutes.
  6. Garnish withchopped fresh coriander. Serve with lime slices.


Vedic: Replace onion with 1/4 tsp asafoetida (hing) and 1/4 tsp Garam Masala. Fruity: Add 2 Tbs golden raisins or chopped dates along with tomatoes. Coconut: Add 1–2 Tbs fresh grated coconut along with soaked poha in the last few minutes of cooking.

The Lotus and the Artichoke - WORLD 2.0 Vegan Cookbook cover

Indische Reisflocken mit Kartoffeln & Erbsen

2 bis 3 Portionen / Dauer 20 Min.

Rezept aus The Lotus and the Artichoke – WORLD 2.0

  • 1 1/2 Tassen (110 g) Poha (flache Reisflocken)
  • 1 1/2 Tassen (350 ml) Wasser
  • 3 mittelgroße (250 g) Kartoffeln geschält, gehackt
  • 2 kleine (100 g) Tomaten gehackt
  • 1/2 Tasse (50 g) Erbsen (frisch oder gefroren)
  • 1 kleine (70 g) Zwiebel gehackt
  • 1 cm frischer Ingwer fein gehackt
  • 1 grüne Chilischote gehackt wenn gewünscht
  • 3 EL Erdnüsse oder Cashewkerne leicht geröstet
  • 1 Handvoll frisches Koriandergrün gehackt
  • 2–3 Limettenspalten
  • 2 EL Pflanzenöl
  • 1 TL schwarze Senfsamen
  • 6–8 Curryblätter wenn gewünscht
  • 1 TL Kreuzkümmel gemahlen
  • 3/4 TL Kurkuma gemahlen
  • 1 EL Limettensaft
  • 1 TL Zucker
  • 3/4 TL Salz
  1. Poha-Flocken 2 Min. einer Schüssel mit Wasser einweichen. Abgießen, Einweichwasser wegschütten und beiseite stellen.
  2. Öl in einer großen Pfanne oder einem Wok auf mittlerer Flamme erhitzen. Senfsamen hineingeben. Nach deren Aufplatzen (20 bis 30 Sek.) Zwiebel, Ingwer, Chilischote und Curryblätter (falls verwendet) sowie Kreuzkümmel hineingeben.
  3. 2 bis 3 Min. unter häufigem Rühren anschwitzen, bis es aromatisch duftet und die Zwiebel gebräunt ist.
  4. Kartoffeln hinzufügen. 5 bis 7 Min. unter häufigem Rühren braten, bis die Kartoffeln weich werden.
  5. Erdnüsse oder Cashewkerne einrühren. Weitere 3 bis 5 Min. auf mittlerer Flamme braten, bis die Kartoffeln richtig durch sind.
  6. Eingeweichte Poha-Flocken, Erbsen und Tomaten hinzufügen. Gleich danach Kurkuma, Limettensaft, Zucker und Salz einrühren. Beim Umrühren darauf achten, dass die Reisflocken nicht breiig werden. 2 bis 3 weitere Min. unter Rühren braten. Bei Bedarf 2 bis 3 EL Wasser einrühren und Poha kurz abgedeckt etwas dämpfen. Vom Herd nehmen, abdecken und 5 Min. durchziehen lassen.
  7. Mit frischem gehacktem Koriandergrün garnieren und mit Limettenspalten servieren.


Vedisch: Zwiebel mit 1/4 TL Asafoetida (Asant) und 1/4 TL Garam Masala ersetzen. Fruchtig: 2 EL Sultaninen oder gehackte Datteln zusammen mit den Tomaten zugeben. Kokos: In den letzten Kochminuten 1 bis 2 EL frische Kokosraspel unterrühren.

The Lotus and the Artichoke - Vegane Rezepte eines Weltreisenden WORLD 2.0 veganes Kochbuch

Pol Sambol

Pol Sambol - spicy coconut chutney

Pol Sambol is one of those amazing Asian condiments that is easy to make and super satisfying. It adds a spice and heat kick to any dish and is great (and essential) with Sri Lankan curries.

The best Pol Sambol is made with fresh, grated coconut.

In Sri Lanka, fresh coconut halves are shredded with a hand-turned grater. Alternately, the coconut can be cut into chunks and grated with a box grater or hand grater, which takes considerably more time. If you don’t have fresh coconut on hand, any good dried, desiccated, grated coconut works well. Just soak it in hot water and press out the excess moisture after about 10 or 20 minutes before mixing with the spices and other ingredients. The red color is determined by how much paprika, chili powder or red chili flakes are used. Don’t be bashful or you’ll get a bland, pale Sambol! Increase the ground paprika to get more red color in your coconut chutney, if you’re going skipping the heat and don’t want to use chili.

The onion and garlic are not absolutely necessary for Pol Sambol, but the flavor and freshness is more intense. An ayurvedic version of the coconut chutney is made simply by omitting the onion and garlic. Which is how I prepare Pol Sambol about half the time.

I’m not sure when the first time was that I had Pol Sambol…

Maybe on my first trip to South India, or at at Sri Lankan restaurant in Berlin. But I do know that I had it dozens of times in the ten weeks of backpacking and travel in Sri Lanka. Unlike many dishes, it didn’t vary much from place to place, family to family. Traditionally, Pol Sanbol is often made with dried fish, such as Maldive fish flakes – quite common Sri Lanka. Obviously for a vegan version, I skip that.


A video posted by Justin P. Moore (@lotusartichoke) on

I make Pol Sambol pretty much every time I make Dal Curry, and other Sri Lanka “Rice and Curry” dishes. But it’s also essential for Hoppers (Idiyappam) – which means this spicy coconut topping is enjoyed any time, with any Sri Lankan meal, whether breakfast, lunch, dinner… or just for a snack!

Pol Sambol
spicy Sri Lankan coconut chutney

makes about 2 cups / time 10 min +

Recipe from The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA
(Rezept auf Deutsch unten)

  • 2 cups (180 g) fresh coconut grated
    or 1 cup (85 g) dried grated coconut + 1/2 cup (120 ml) warm water
  • 1 small red onion finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper ground
  • 1/2–1 tsp chili powder
  • 1–2 tsp paprika ground
  • 1 tsp sugar (preferably coconut/palm sugar)
  • 1–2 Tbs lime juice
  • 1/4–1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 red or green chili finely chopped, for garnish
  1. If using dried grated coconut, first mix well with water and soak 20 min.
  2. In a mortar and pestle, grind and pound onion and garlic to a coarse paste. Alternately, mix well in bowl.
  3. Add grated coconut, black pepper, chili powder, paprika, and sugar. Mix well.
  4. Add lime juice and salt, adding more as desired to taste.
  5. Garnish with finely chopped red or green chili.
  6. Serve with Dal Curry, Hoppers, bread, or snacks.


Extra Heat: Add 1/2–1 tsp red chili flakes along with other spices.


The Lotus and the Artichoke SRI LANKA vegan cookbook
Pol Sambol - spicy coconut chutney

Pol Sambol
Klassische Kokosnuss-Würzmischung

ca. 2 Tassen / Dauer 20 Min.

  • 2 Tassen (180 g) frisch geraspelte Kokosnuss
    oder 1 Tasse (85 g) getrocknete Kokosraspel + 1/2 Tasse (120 ml) Wasser
  • 1 kleine rote Zwiebel fein gehackt
  • 1 Knoblauchzehe fein gehackt
  • 1/2 TL schwarzer Pfeffer gemahlen
  • 1/2–1 TL Chilipulver
  • 1 TL Paprikapulver
  • 1 TL Zucker
  • 1–2 EL Limettensaft
  • 1/4–1/2 TL Meersalz
  • 1 rote oder grüne Chilischote entsamt, fein gehackt
  1. Getrocknete Kokosraspel vor dem Verwenden 20 Min. in Wasser einweichen.
  2. In einem Mörser Zwiebel und Knoblauch zu einer Paste zerstoßen und zermahlen. Alternativ die kleinen Stückchen in einer Schüssel vermischen.
  3. Kokosraspel, schwarzen Pfeffer, Chilipulver, Paprikapulver und Zucker zugeben und alles gut miteinander vermengen.
  4. Limettensaft und Salz unterrühren. Nach Geschmack mehr Salz oder Limettensaft zugeben.
  5. Mit einer fein gehackten roten oder grünen Chilischote garnieren.
  6. Mit Dal Curry, Hoppers, Brot oder Snacks servieren.


Extra scharf: 1/2 bis 1 TL rote Chiliflocken zusammen mit den anderen Gewürzen unterrühren.


Wattalapam - Sri Lankan Spiced Coconut Custard Pudding

Watalappam is a traditional coconut dessert enjoyed in Sri Lanka.

This luscious custard is spiced-up with cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom, often with a hint of vanilla, and a smattering of nuts or dried fruits. The taste reminds me of a spicy, aromatic Indian cup of chai. But cold, coconutty, and soft! As with all recipes, everyone has their very own version. The Tamils make it different than the Singhalese, and the Muslims have another delightful variation.

I invented a vegan version of the coconut custard, and I added some variations of my own– including fresh (or frozen) berries. I often top it with dark, rich, sweet coconut blossom syrup (AKA palm syrup) which is extremely popular in Sri Lanka – and recently gaining popularity in Europe and the Americas. Sometimes I top the custard with blackstrap molasses or dark agave syrup, or some fresh fruit and nuts and maybe a bit of homemade fruit syrup, like I do with my vanilla muffins (also in The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA cookbook.)

There’s actually a good story with the first time I had Watalappam in Sri Lanka. It highlights the need to stay cool, and remember that how we react in unexpected situations always influences how others perceive not just us as people, but whatever groups of people with whom we are associated – as foreign tourists, guests, citizens of particular countries, …and as vegetarians and vegans. In my travels, I try to be modest and respectful, and traveling vegan certainly comes with challenges here and there. Usually it’s much easier than others imagine, but I guess experience, a fair amount of luck and communication are all important factors.

One night I was invited to dinner at home with a Sri Lankan family in the small, charming town of Midigama.

Midigama is on the south west coast of Sri Lanka, and known for several great surfing spots, and I wanted to check it out. Sharani and her husband, a local tuk-tuk driver, lived with their two small children – and a funny green parrot that could talk – on a narrow, unpaved road a few minutes walk from the beach. She cooked for the better part of an afternoon, and by time dinner was ready, we were super hungry and totally curious what kind of deliciousness awaited us. Everything smelled fantastic! And then dinner was served: 5 Sri Lankan curries… including stir-fried Bonchi (green beans), spicy sautéed Brinjal (eggplant/aubergine), Carrot Curry, Dal (lentil) Curry, Soymeats Curry, and of course papadam, rice, and a simple salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

After we finished eating, Sharani asked, “Do you like Watalappam? Sweets? Want to try?”

I was immediately curious, and asked her to describe it. “Made with coconut. Like a pudding. But very special flavors!” I tried once more, politely, to find out how it was made. “With eggs? Milk?” “No, no. Coconut!” “Butter?” “No, no. Coconut. And sugar! Palm syrup.” At this, she slid her chair back from the table, dashed to the kitchen, and returned with a chilled tray covered with plastic foil, which she was peeling back as she walked.

Vegan Watalapan Coconut Custard Pudding Dessert from Sri Lanka Dinner Party

“Watalappan! Coconut pudding!” she said, and scooped out a few spoonfuls into little bowls. She passed one to me, along with a small, shiny spoon. Whoa! It smelled good, and certainly looked intriguing. I repeated, “No milk inside? No eggs?” Again, she shook her head, smiling, anxiously waiting for me to try her homemade custard. So I took a bite. And then another. I admit, it was tasty. The aromatic spices and tropical sweetness combined with the rich, fresh coconut flavor were an excellent combination. But I was already quite full from the five curries and all. I politely declined any more of the luscious sweet. On the walk home, I played back the taste in my mind and thought about what could be in it. Was it really vegan? Maybe, but probably not. At another family dinner later in the trip, Watalappam was offered to me, and at a restaurant once or twice, I saw it on the menu. But both times I was told it was made with eggs, so I didn’t taste it. Instead, I took a good look and smelled the spices, and took some notes, as I often do.

Two months later, back in Berlin, when I started intensively researching existing Sri Lankan recipes, and scouring the many international vegetarian and vegan cookbooks I have, I quickly determined that traditional watalappan is always made with eggs! And often with milk! I didn’t find a single recipe that was vegan. So I set out to create one. I did a few experiments, and refined and improved the recipe to be as it is now.

It’s the perfect sweet ending to a Sri Lankan Rice & Curry dinner, and I’ve made it many times for dinner parties – for large groups and just for the family. One thing to keep in mind: make it in the morning or afternoon so it has time to chill in the fridge, if you want to have it with dinner!

Sri Lankan spiced coconut custard pudding

serves 4 to 6 / time 40 min +

recipe from The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA
(Rezept auf Deutsch unten)

  • 1 1/2 cups (360 ml) coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup (50 g) sugar
  • 1 Tbs corn starch
  • 1 tsp agar powder or 2 tsp agar flakes
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) water
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla bean ground or 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon ground
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg ground
  • 1/4 tsp (about 6 pods) cardamom ground
  • 1/8 tsp (about 5 pieces) cloves ground
  • 2 Tbs cashews lightly roasted, crumbled for garnish
  • palm syrup or agave syrup
  1. Bring coconut milk to low boil in medium pot on medium heat. Stir in sugar.
  2. Whisk corn starch and agar powder (or flakes) into 1/4 cup (60 ml) water in small bowl. Stir into simmering coconut milk. Return to simmer. Reduce heat to low. Cook 5 min, stirring regularly.
  3. Stir in ground vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until thickened, 3–5 min. Remove from heat.
  4. Fill 4 to 6 small bowls with custard mix. Let cool 20 min. Transfer to refrigerator and chill for 6 hours or overnight.
  5. Remove chilled bowls from fridge and loosen around the custard with a knife. Carefully turn bowl upside down on plate and hit it gently on top a few times. Lift bowl to see that custard has been released. If not, poke it a few times with knife.
  6. Drizzle with syrup and garnish with crumbled, roasted cashews and/or chopped fruit and berries.

No Coco: Replace coconut milk with soy, oat, or almond milk.

This recipe is from my third vegan cookbook, The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA: A Culinary Adventure with over 70 vegan recipes. Available in English, German, and also as an e-book!

The Lotus and the Artichoke SRI LANKA vegan cookbook
Wattalapam - Sri Lankan Spiced Coconut Custard Pudding

traditioneller Kokospudding aus Sri Lanka

Rezept aus The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA

4 bis 6 Portionen / Dauer 40 Min. +

  • 1 1/2 Tasse (360 ml) Kokosmilch
  • 1/4 Tasse (50 g) Zucker
  • 1 EL Speisestärke
  • 1 TL Agar-Agar-Pulver oder 2 TL Agar-Agar-Flocken
  • 1/4 Tasse (60 ml) Wasser
  • 1/2 TL Vanillemark oder 1 TL Vanillezucker
  • 1/2 TL Zimt gemahlen
  • 1/2 TL Muskat gemahlen
  • 1/4 TL (ca. 6 Kapseln) Kardamom gemahlen
  • 1/8 TL (ca. 5 Stück) Nelken gemahlen
  • 2 EL Cashewkerne leicht geröstet, gehackt
  • Kokosblütensirup oder Agavensirup
  1. In einem mittelgroßen Topf Kokosmilch auf mittlerer Flamme zum Kochen bringen. Zucker einrühren.
  2. In einer kleinen Schüssel Speisestärke und Agar Agar mit 1/4 Tasse (60 ml) Wasser verquirlen. In die köchelnde Kokosmilch einrühren. Erneut zum Kochen bringen. Flamme niedrig stellen und 5 Min. unter Rühren köcheln lassen.
  3. Vanille, Zimt, Muskat, Kardamom und Nelken einrühren. 3 bis 5 Min. weiter köcheln, bis der Pudding eindickt. Vom Herd nehmen.
  4. Pudding in 4 bis 6 kleine Schüsseln füllen und 20 Min. abkühlen lassen. In den Kühlschrank stellen und 6 Stunden oder über Nacht durchziehen lassen.
  5. Kalte Schüsseln aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und den Pudding am Schüsselrand vorsichtig mit einem Messer lösen. Schüsseln auf Teller stürzen und leicht auf den Schüsselboden klopfen. Schüsseln anheben und nachschauen, ob der Pudding gestürzt ist. Falls nicht, vorsichtig mit einem Messer herauslösen.
  6. Mit Sirup beträufeln und mit gehackten gerösteten Cashewkernen und geschnittenen Früchten und Beeren garnieren.


Ohne Kokosmilch: Kokosmilch mit Soja-, Hafer oder Mandelmilch ersetzen.

Dieses Rezept stammt aus meinem 3. veganen Kochbuch The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA: Eine kulinarische Entdeckungsreise mit über 70 veganen Rezepten

Sri Lankan Jackfruit Curry

Jackfruit Curry Dinner from The Lotus and the Artichoke - SRI LANKA!

This is absolutely one of my favorite dishes and recipes from my SRI LANKA vegan cookbook & ebook! I make it often at home, and have cooked it up for many dinner parties, cooking shows, and it’s regularly featured at the cooking classes I do, too. It’s really easy to make and it’s one of those dishes that’s a real crowd-pleaser, for vegans, vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.

Strangely, Sri Lankan food is still not really that well-known in the world culinary scene — and the vegan scene, but it’s popularity and visibility has improved in the last few years. It’s kind of like jackfruit itself, which only recently has started to get really hyped and celebrated outside of Asia, where it has a long tradition and has been enjoyed for… well, practically forever! I suspect as Sri Lanka becomes more popular as a travel destination, more people will fall in love with the cuisine. Admittedly, I fell in love with Sri Lankan food about 10 years before my trip to Sri Lanka — there are some amazing Sri Lankan and South Indian eateries in Paris and Berlin that blew me away!

This Sri Lankan Jackfruit Curry is made with coconut milk, and it’s really creamy and intense. Jackfruit, kind of like plain tofu or tempeh or soy chunks (TVP), takes on the flavors of the sauce and marinade. The texture and freshness are amazing, and I enjoy it much more than the soy and faux-meat variations. (Which all work in this curry mix, too, btw!) You can use all kinds of coconut milk, or even make your own. If I buy coconut milk, I always try to get organic coconut milk with no weird additives and preservatives. In Germany, my favorite coconut milk is from Dr Goerg. It’s super rich and creamy, and combined with a little hit of coconut blossom syrup in the curry, this dish gets crazy delicious!

The main thing to know about cooking with jackfruit outside of Asia is: It’s easy to find! It’s inexpensive and really nothing bizarre. Almost every Asian import grocery store I’ve been to in the US, Canada, Germany, France, England, Holland and other parts of Europe, whether big city or little town, has Green Jackfruit (unsweetened!) in a can… but the yellow jackfruit which is primarily for sweet dishes and desserts is also usable, if you rinse off the syrup and adjust the spices / salt accordingly. Green jackfruit is the unripened, slightly tougher, less sweet fruit.

I had Jackfruit Curry in at least 10 different places in the 10 weeks I spent in Sri Lanka. Each restaurant and every family make it a bit different. I’ve also made lots of different variations on this one– sometimes sweeter, sometimes spicier, sometimes creamier, sometimes with other fun stuff like greens… or even pineapple!

Jackfruit Curry
Sri Lankan specialty in creamy coconut curry

serves 3 to 4 / time 30 min +

recipe from The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA
(Rezept auf Deutsch unten)

  • 2 1/2 cups (350 g) young green jackfruit (unsweetened!)
  • 1 medium red onion chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic finely chopped
  • 1 green or red chili seeded, finely chopped optional
  • 2 Tbs vegetable oil or coconut oil
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp cumin ground
  • 1/2 tsp coriander ground
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds ground
  • 1/2 tsp (brown) mustard seeds ground
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder or paprika ground
  • 3/4 tsp turmeric ground
  • 2 small pieces cinnamon bark
  • 6–8 curry leaves
  • 2 pandan (rampe) leaves or bay leaves
  • 1 cup (240 ml) coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) water more as needed
  • 1–2 Tbs lime juice or lemon juice
  • 1 Tbs agave syrup or sugar
  • 3/4 tsp sea salt
  • fresh coriander chopped, for garnish
  1. If using canned jackfruit, rinse and drain well. Chop into cubes or strips.
  2. Heat oil in a medium pot on medium heat. Add chopped onion, garlic, chili (if using), curry powder, ground cumin, coriander, black pepper, fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, chili powder (or paprika), turmeric, cinnamon, curry leaves, and pandan (or bay) leaves.
  3. Fry until onion begins to soften, stirring constantly, 3–5 min.
  4. Add chopped jackfruit, lime (or lemon) juice, agave syrup (or sugar) and salt. Mix well.
  5. Fry, stirring regularly, another 3–5 min.
  6. Add coconut milk. Stir several times. Bring to low boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer partially covered, stirring regularly, until jackfruit pieces soften and fall apart,12–15 min. While cooking, gradually stir in water (or more coconut milk) as desired, for thinner curry.
  7. Remove cinnamon bark and bay leaves before serving.
  8. Garnish with fresh, chopped coriander. Serve with rice.

Sweet & Red: Add 1 cup (80 g) chopped pineapple and 1 chopped tomato along with jackfruit.
Vedic: Omit onions and garlic, and add pinch asafoetida (hing) powder. Add jackfruit along with all spices.

This recipe is from my third vegan cookbook, The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA: A Culinary Adventure with over 70 vegan recipes. Available in English, German, and also as an e-book!

The Lotus and the Artichoke SRI LANKA vegan cookbook
Jackfruit Curry Dinner from The Lotus and the Artichoke - SRI LANKA!

Jackfrucht Curry
srilankische Spezialität mit Kokosmilch

3 bis 4 Portionen / Dauer 30 Min.

Rezept aus The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA
  • 2 1/2 Tassen (350 g) junge grüne Jackfrucht (ungesüßt!)
  • 1 mittelgroße rote Zwiebel gehackt
  • 2 Knoblauchzehen fein gehackt
  • 1 grüne oder rote Chilischote entsamt, fein gehackt wenn gewünscht
  • 2 EL Pflanzen- oder Kokosöl
  • 1 TL Currypulver
  • 1/2 TL Kreuzkümmel gemahlen
  • 1/2 TL Koriander gemahlen
  • 1/4 TL schwarzer Pfeffer gemahlen
  • 1/2 TL Bockshornkleesamen gemahlen
  • 1/2 TL Schwarze Senfsamen gemahlen
  • 1/2 TL Chili- oder Paprikapulver
  • 3/4 TL Kurkuma gemahlen
  • 2 kleine Stückchen Zimtrinde
  • 6–8 Curryblätter
  • 2 Lorbeerblätter oder Pandanusblätter
  • 1 Tasse (240 ml) Kokosmilch
  • 1/2 Tasse (120 ml) Wasser bei Bedarf mehr
  • 1–2 EL Limetten- oder Zitronensaft
  • 1 EL Agavensirup oder Zucker
  • 3/4 TL Meersalz
  • frisches Koriandergrün gehackt, zum Garnieren
  1. Jackfrucht aus der Dose abgießen und spülen. In Würfel oder Streifen schneiden.
  2. In einem Topf Öl auf mittlerer Flamme erhitzen. Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Chili (wenn verwendet), Currypulver, Kreuzkümmel, Koriander, schwarzen Pfeffer, Bockshornkleesamen, Senfsamen, Chili– oder Paprikapulver, Kurkuma, Zimt, Curry– und Pandanusblätter (oder Lorbeerblätter) hineingeben. 3 bis 5 Min. unter Rühren anbraten, bis die Zwiebel weich wird.
  3. Jackfruchtstücke, Limetten– oder Zitronensaft, Agavensirup (oder Zucker) und Salz zugeben und gut umrühren. Weitere 3 bis 5 Min. unter Rühren braten.
  4. Kokosmilch zugießen und mehrere Male umrühren. Zum Kochen bringen. Flamme niedrig stellen und halb abgedeckt unter regelmäßigem Rühren 12 bis 15 Min. köcheln, bis die Jackfruchtstücke weich werden und beginnen zu zerfallen. Für ein dünneres Curry während des Kochens je nach Bedarf nach und nach Wasser (oder mehr Kokosmilch) einrühren.
  5. Vor dem Servieren Zimtrinde und Lorbeerblätter entfernen.
  6. Mit frisch gehacktem Koriandergrün garnieren und mit Reis servieren.


Rot & Süß: 1 Tasse (75 g) gehackte Ananas und 1 gehackte Tomate zusammen mit der Jackfrucht zugeben. Vedisch: Zwiebeln und Knoblauch mit 1 Prise Asafoetida (Hingpulver) ersetzen.

Dieses Rezept stammt aus meinem 3. veganen Kochbuch The Lotus and the Artichoke – SRI LANKA: Eine kulinarische Entdeckungsreise mit über 70 veganen Rezepten